Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Founding Fathers

Author's Note: This piece "Founding Father" is about my apprentices toward the founding fathers for what they have done for me and my great country.

Seven, the number of founding fathers of the great country we now know as the United States. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and George Washington are all names of great leaders that started our country off strong. Not only are these superior men but they are also great role models and idols.

There are many things that interest and confuse me about the time they lived in but the one question that I have for every one of the seven founding fathers is , how did they decided to form the rules and laws to avid by? The founding fathers have sculpted our country to make it the best country in the world. Little do many people know developing a country is one of the hardest things you can do. You can’t just start forming a country there are many things that  you have to worry about like where you are going to place cities and how you are going to export and import goods into that area.

When I think about the United States I think about fireworks and parades to some it is the most fun part of the year. Think about the country without that. Well if it weren't for the founding fathers there wouldn't be any memorial day or veterans day. If it weren't for them we wouldn't be at this school today or enjoying freedom like we do. If you just think about that you will feel way different about the United States.


  1. You need to have better word variety. For 2 sentences in a row they both started with Not. Also, you should capitalize Founding Fathers. The rest of your piece is really good but if you fix these minimal errors it will be better.

  2. I think that this piece is very good.You had several errors, but those can be fixed easily. Just remember no 2 sentenced start with the same word. Other wise, I think that this is good.
