Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Great Game

Author's Note: This Piece The "Great Game" is about my favorite sport and my love for the game.In this piece I wanted to show good information and give you a better understanding of the great game of baseball.

From the smell of fresh cut grass to the sound of hundreds of fans cheering in excitement, there is nothing better than baseball! More than 17 million people play baseball every year, making it the fourth most popular sport in the country. To some baseball is a boring game to watch on the television and some might even play every once and a while. Baseball is much more then that it is a game of skill, smarts, inches and most of all failure.

Look at the best hitter in the major leagues Melky Cabrera is only hitting .346 meaning he averages a hit once out of three at bats. In any other sport or job if you fail seventy percent the time you won’t be very successful. Baseball is also a game of smarts there’s always a pitch that a hitter has trouble with or a pitch location that they just can’t hit. That’s why scouts spend hours upon hours watching film and determining the game plan.

Not only is baseball fun for the professional level but it is also a great sport for kids teaching them hard work, dedication and many more important life traits. I have played baseball since I was four the first time I stepped onto the field I knew it was my sport from being up to bat in a league championship game or hitting off the tee in the off season. Both are just . Nothing in baseball comes easy not the hitting aspect or the fielding aspect. One thing that many baseball players forget about is how important the job of a base runner is. Getting on base isn’t the only challenge being able to run the bases with ease is a very good skill to have. Many baseball games can be won by good base running.

Baseball may seem like any easy sport that you just go out and play. Maybe to some it is, but to me when school lets out and baseball season rolls in, I only have a couple things to worry about and baseball is one of them.


Authors note:  This is about the book “Where the Red Fern Grows” by Wilson Rawls. I am doing this piece to retell the main parts of the story.

Billy, a young country boy, lives a tough life in the plains of Oklahoma.  One day when walking, he sees a sign saying “raccoon hunting hounds for sale”. Although he was fascinated, the only problem was that he does not have the money.  In the end, Billy goes through many journeys and obstacles to find out what it really means to be a raccoon hunter.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Founding Fathers

Author's Note: This piece "Founding Father" is about my apprentices toward the founding fathers for what they have done for me and my great country.

Seven, the number of founding fathers of the great country we now know as the United States. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and George Washington are all names of great leaders that started our country off strong. Not only are these superior men but they are also great role models and idols.

There are many things that interest and confuse me about the time they lived in but the one question that I have for every one of the seven founding fathers is , how did they decided to form the rules and laws to avid by? The founding fathers have sculpted our country to make it the best country in the world. Little do many people know developing a country is one of the hardest things you can do. You can’t just start forming a country there are many things that  you have to worry about like where you are going to place cities and how you are going to export and import goods into that area.

When I think about the United States I think about fireworks and parades to some it is the most fun part of the year. Think about the country without that. Well if it weren't for the founding fathers there wouldn't be any memorial day or veterans day. If it weren't for them we wouldn't be at this school today or enjoying freedom like we do. If you just think about that you will feel way different about the United States.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Tire That Popped

 Author's Note: This piece is a cause and effect on when my tire popped when I was biking. It also incorporates the struggles I had to get home.

It was a scorching day in Pewaukee but my friends and I didn’t care. It was summer we weren’t going to sit at home and do nothing we had to hang out or go on an adventure so we chose to bike to downtown Dealifeild  and go get some lunch. The bike ride was quite warm but very enjoyable capitalized by a great view. The last stretch of the ride was very tiring but once you got to the top of the hill you could see to what seem as forever. Then comes the fun part, the ride down the huge hill. As I started down the hill I felt like I was flying. As I kept crusing I felt my bike drift off the the end of the asphalt. Pop the tire was totaled I looked to my friend in fear.

As we got to where we were going to eat lunch I quickly called my dad to see if he would pick me up. I didn’t get a response so it looked like I was going to have to ride my bike home on a flat tire. As easy as it sounds I decided to try it little did I know I was having troubles after the first one hundred yards and I wasn’t even close to home. Finally after about an hour of peddling I got home just in time for football!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Games

Author's Note: This piece is a conflict resolution about the Hunger Games and the problems that they had to over come.

As a young teen Katniss Everdeen lived a hard life in district 13 one of the poorest districts In the world. Facing different struggles every day from having to take care of her sister or having to leave the district to get food which is dangerous and highly illegal. To add onto that every year there is a reaping to chose who is going to participate in the hunger games a battle to the death between two contestants from each district one male and one female from each district. Bad enough as it was Katnisses sister was chose in the reaping. Little did her sister know Katniss was going to volunteer for her.

After many days of luxury it was time to fight. Once the clock ticked down the games began. Kaitniss fought for days on end having to over come fierce competitors. When the final day came Kaitniss, Peter (who she was in a alliance with) and two other enemies  as it ended Peter and Katniss where the only two left. They where not going to let one die and the other live so they where going to eat poisons berries so they would both die in peace. Finally the president of  the Hunger Games and gave in and they both left the fight alive and lived there life with fortune and fame.