Thursday, January 5, 2012

Shoe's Life Cycle

Authors note: This is a story on the point of view of the shoe and what it feels when it goes through this journey
On and off the racks on stinky feet and clean feet unfortunately this is what I go through every day! I live with my friends in a great home called Finish Line. Everyone is trying to find a way to get on someone’s clean foot, but unfortunately that’s hard to find. Have you ever wonder what a shoes life is like? Well I’m going to show you exactly what a shoes life is all about.
First we are shipped straight from our makers directly to the store. That’s not the most fun ride all the workers through us around and treat us like were a piece of rubber. Who would do that? Then the truck takes us to a smaller truck so we can be shipped to the store. On the way there all the shoes are excited to find their new home. Hope fully it’s not always there home because we want to find a new home with a new owner. As we arrive I meet a bunch of new friends but I always wonder why some of my shoe friends look just like me. It kind of stinks I want to be special not likes everyone else. It’s still a good life for me
The best thing happened to me today a kid picked me up and I’m coming home right now. Life’s good but it stinks always having to touch the dirty floor but I think I can handle it. So I’ve took you through my life as a shoe so I hope you enjoys shoes.

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