Friday, May 18, 2012

Parker is the worst friend!

 Author's note: This short story is about how bad of a friends Parker is.

As I walk up to Parker’s door step I smell hatred in the air. I question myself why I am doing this?As the doorbell rings my knees get weak. He opens the door with a nasty look on his face and says” What do you want”? With an unsure voice I ask “.Do you want to come”? I can barely finish  my sentence before the door slams in my face. I knew I shouldn't have asked! I walked all this way to get treated like trash. Now the dreadful walk back. As I walk I wonder why he doesn't like me? Maybe because that one time that I hit the ball and it hit him in the arm. Although I apologized he must of thought it wasn't sincere. I guess i’m just going to have to move on I'm sure we'll make up sometime.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Author's Note: This short story is on how I spend my summer compared to how other kids spend theirs.

As the bell rings finally school is over. Now you have a task to solve. How are you going to spend your summer? Many kids choose to spend it at home playing video games and watching TV. I don’t understand that? There has got to be something better to do. Maybe go fishing, play waffle ball or hang out with friends. In the summer you will most likely find me doing all of that. Summer is a time to have fun not to sit on the couch and play video games. It is a time to exercise run round and be a kid.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Hunting Experience

Author's Note: This short story is about experiences and facts about hunting. 

Hunting is one of the most popular American past times. It can be a good times for anyone. Many people around the world pack up their gear and embark to the woods. Choosing sitting in the woods as a way to spend your weekend might seem crazy to some but to others it's a way of life. Hunting has improved over the years with better bows, guns and gear. Which in the long run can mean that you will stay warmer, shoot straight and pretty much have a better experience. I have had many great experiences hunting but I have also had many very boring times to. In the end after you have had a successful trip it all pays off in the end!