Tuesday, February 21, 2012

American Tunnel Worker

Author's Note: This essay is on the miracle that happened to miner in Massachusetts and what I feel about it.

Being a tunnel worker is not an easy job nor is it safe. Being down in a tunnel not seeing day light for hours at a time has to seem like solitary confinement. To make it even worse things can go bad such as what happened in this story.

In Fall River Massachusetts tunnel workers were going through their average boring work day then out of the blue they heard a loud swoosh to follow by what sounded like rock roaring down the tunnel directly in their direction. All of the experienced tunnel workers realized that that was not some ordinary sound. Then out of the corner of their eyes they saw what looked like a black cloud of dust roaring   towards them. The workers had no clue what to do or where to go so they stayed there.

What I would have done at that point? I probably would have prayed terrified; I probably wouldn’t know what to do next. However I would never do that job because it dangerous and I’m sure the pay isn’t all that good either that why I give them so much credit for risking their lives for it.

It just shows when it seems like there’s no way there is if you never give up!

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Motivator

Authors note: There always an obstacle in life but all that matters is you get around it.

No Excuses is the best motivating book I’ve ever read. This book makes me want to me push harder and stride farther. It’s a true story based on a boy, Kyle Maynard who was born a congenital amputee which means you are missing a limb. In this case he was born with arms only to about our elbows and his legs were only to about our mid-calf. Did you really think that would stop him? Kyle displayed that no matter what has happened you can accomplish almost anything with hard work and a good attitude.

Most people born with this sever of a disease don’t do much but Kyle wasn’t any ordinary person he wanted to be the best despite his disease he wasn’t going to let it stop him. He was the first congenial amputee to ever fight in the mixed Marshall arts also known as the MMA. You think that’s good he also one and espy for best athlete with a disability and set the world record for the modified bench press lifting an incredible 360 pounds.  That’s more than almost all people can lift and he did it without full arms.

Kyle has inspired many people to not give up and keep striding. This book motivates
You throughout the ups and down of your life. It really shows you that you can do it. This book should be read book.   

Not matter if your dealt a bad hand in life you can still be successful. By working hard and setting you disability behind you. Just like Kyle did. So live your life with no excuses!