Friday, December 21, 2012

Hard Work Pays Off

Author’s Note: In the book “ The Blind Side” written by” Michael Lewis” Michael struggled through many different things to get to where he is now, but none of this would of happened without his determination.  I would also like for you to look for good word choice and a good thesis in this piece.

Michael Oher was struggling with his poverty filled life in Memphis, Tennessee. Michael couldn’t go a night without seeing drugs or other illegal things. Many people know Michael’s story and wonder what it was like to have to go through what Michael did. His story has many meanings, but I feel the theme in this book is determination to change for the better. Without his hard work ethic and determination Michael would not be where he is today.

Before Michael  moved in with the Tuohy’s he really wasn’t loved by anybody he had no one to look to and that’s why he got in so much trouble. He looked to the wrong people, so when he was adopted he had someone to look up to a real family something he never had. Having that Michael changed his acts drastically  witch lead him to acting better and making better choices.

Another factor that came upon me was his determination to do good in school. Michael started in school with a .04 grade point average and had no chance at all to go to college and play sports. When Michael found out how great of a athlete he really was he knew he had to get his grades up.. With the extra help and a harder work ethic Michael just made the minimum grade point average and pursued his football career at Ole Miss University. 

When Michael was brought up by the Tuohy’s he was a very non confident sigh person. When he found out he was a gifted football player people started to like him and when that happened he started to gain confidents which was good on and off the football field. When his confident was boosted he was also more confident to change and stick up to the people that brought him down.    

Like Michael Stevie Wonder a world famous singer and pianist is one of the most inspiring and determined people I’ve ever heard of. You might wonder what about him makes me feel that way.  Stevie was blind and deaf nothing came easy, but Stevie was gifted musician. Turns out he is one of the best musicians known to man. None of this would of happen. If not for Stevie’s hard work ethic and determination Stevie.
When things go in the wrong direction such as they did for Michele and Stevie there’s always a way to overcome that. It might sound easy , but with a hard work ethic and determination you can go further than anyone could imagine  

Monday, December 3, 2012

Predicting Piece

 Author's Note: This Piece is a predicting piece on the book “War Comes to Willy Freeman” written by James and Christopher Collier. I was looking to have good punctuation and good transitions.
  In the first part of the book  written by “ James and Christopher Collier” Willy has been going through many struggles with the revolutionary war happening just a few miles from her house. To make matters worse her father joined forces with the Americans to try to defeat the powerful British. Leaving Willy and her Mother at home with no protection  and British enemies passing by, heading to for Fort Griswold where Willy’s father is based.

As the story goes on I could almost assure that Willy will go through struggles throughout the book. You probably will wonder why, well who didn’t struggle through this horrific time? Everyone did the death toll towards the end over the war was in the twenty-five thousands.  I also feel that Willy will embark on many different adventure to find safety and help. Living on your own is never easy especially during the war period. When the war is over and the smoke clears out there has to be a light at the end of the tunnel her life has been so hard and I feel at the end of the story shell get a break and live a great peaceful life.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Big Change

 Author's note: This piece " The Big Change" was a character analysis on Stanley from the book " Holes". In this piece I was trying to incorporate good solid word choice.
Sometimes things don’t always go the way you want them.  This is the case in the book Holes written by Louis Sachar. Stanley Yelnats  is a teenage boy who is unhappy with his life.  He thought he didn’t belong and was tired of getting picked on.  Things get worse when he is blamed for a crime that he did not commit.

Stanley was blamed for stealing a famous baseball players shoes.  The punishment was jail or go to a juvenile camp.  He chose camp.  This is when his life began to change  for the better.  The first change happened when he met Zero.  At first, Stanley was mean to Zero because all the other kids treated him badly.  After getting to know Zero, he realized other kids faced challenges of their own.  He realized he was not the only one.  This gave him confidence.  He didn’t care anymore what the other boys thought he was going to be friends with Zero.

Another change that resulted from camp was he went from heavier set and out of shape to more athletic.  This happened after spending countless hours digging holes.  He was told he had to do this as a character building exercise that was brought upon by the government. 

Stanley knew there was something more to the digging, this leads to the third change. Stanley never had much money but that changed when he found a buried treasure.  He decided to take the treasures at night.   He spent the money on a new home for his family and other much needed necessities. 

When I think of this story and I think of how Stanley changed for the better, it reminds of Josh Hamilton.  Josh Hamilton now is one of the best players in baseball but this came after many difficult challenges.  Hamilton got involved in partying, drugs and alcohol.  This ruined his reputation and negatively affected his early baseball career.  With the support of many family members and friends, Hamilton went to rehabilitation.  Through this he regained the confidence to live healthy life and purse his career in baseball.

Although there are times in your life where it may seem like there’s no way out. You can always make a change. Just as Stanley and josh did, there are many different paths you can take deciding whether you are successful or not.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Great Game

Author's Note: This Piece The "Great Game" is about my favorite sport and my love for the game.In this piece I wanted to show good information and give you a better understanding of the great game of baseball.

From the smell of fresh cut grass to the sound of hundreds of fans cheering in excitement, there is nothing better than baseball! More than 17 million people play baseball every year, making it the fourth most popular sport in the country. To some baseball is a boring game to watch on the television and some might even play every once and a while. Baseball is much more then that it is a game of skill, smarts, inches and most of all failure.

Look at the best hitter in the major leagues Melky Cabrera is only hitting .346 meaning he averages a hit once out of three at bats. In any other sport or job if you fail seventy percent the time you won’t be very successful. Baseball is also a game of smarts there’s always a pitch that a hitter has trouble with or a pitch location that they just can’t hit. That’s why scouts spend hours upon hours watching film and determining the game plan.

Not only is baseball fun for the professional level but it is also a great sport for kids teaching them hard work, dedication and many more important life traits. I have played baseball since I was four the first time I stepped onto the field I knew it was my sport from being up to bat in a league championship game or hitting off the tee in the off season. Both are just . Nothing in baseball comes easy not the hitting aspect or the fielding aspect. One thing that many baseball players forget about is how important the job of a base runner is. Getting on base isn’t the only challenge being able to run the bases with ease is a very good skill to have. Many baseball games can be won by good base running.

Baseball may seem like any easy sport that you just go out and play. Maybe to some it is, but to me when school lets out and baseball season rolls in, I only have a couple things to worry about and baseball is one of them.